Apr. 16
12:00–1:00 pm
Online event
The University of Chicago Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice and the Saul Zaentz Charitable Foundation invite you to a virtual screening and panel discussion of Tomorrow's Hope, a film which brings us into the journey of passionate educators and tenacious kids and their families on the South Side of Chicago, determined to carve out the future—despite a sea of incredible challenges. The film reunites three present-day high school seniors who started out in Start Early’s Educare preschool’s first-ever class, exploring the continuing effects of early childhood education as they navigate their way through foreboding circumstances.
Register to receive a link to view the film at your convenience between April 9 through April 16. Then, join us for a virtual moderated panel discussion from noon to. p.m. on Friday, April 16. The conversation will cover early childhood education policy and practice as well as the role of early childhood education providers in supporting families and communities.
Kate Grossman, Senior Editor, Education, WBEZ, will moderate the panel. Panelists include:
- Sydney Hans, Frank P. Hixon Distinguished Service Professor at the UChicago Crown Family School
- Stacy Ehrlich, PhD, Senior Research Scientist at NORC's Academic Research Centers
- Anita Harvey-Dixon, Former Educare Site Administrator at Start Early, Assistant Director of Training and Technical Assistance at the National Center on Parent, Family, and Community Engagement
- Elisheba Bingham, mother of Jamal, who stars in Tomorrow's Hope