The University of Chicago’s diversity and inclusion efforts are led and managed by the Office of the Provost.
Leadership Team
Waldo E. Johnson, Jr.
Vice Provost and Professor at the Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice
As Vice Provost, Waldo E. Johnson, Jr. leads the University's Diversity & Inclusion Initiative, including the Center for the Study of Race, Politics, and Culture; the Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality; and other related diversity and inclusion programming. Learn more.

Michelle Hoereth
Assistant Provost
Michelle provides staff leadership for the Diversity & Inclusion Initiative.

Tiana Pyer-Pereira
Associate Director, Office of the Provost
Tiana manages a variety of campus-wide diversity and inclusion projects, including the Campus Climate Survey, faculty search training, and the Inclusion Workshops series.

Larissa Brewer-Garcia
Senior Advisor to the Vice Provost and Associate Professor of Latin American Literature, Humanities Division
As Senior Advisor, Larissa provides guidance on faculty recruitment and diversification programs. She also serves as a point of contact for current and former Ivy+ FAN Institute Fellows in their efforts to promote departmental and cross-divisional engagement in diversity and inclusion. Learn more.

Channel Turbides
Diversity + Inclusion Coordinator
Channel supports the implementation of workshops and trainings, events, and special programs related to the D+I Office.